Deodato Arte

Deodato.Gallery S.p.A. is listed on the Euronext Growth Milan market organized and managed by Borsa Italiana S.p.A.


If you are a brand and want to develop a project with your own line, you are in the right gallery!

Deodato Arte offers its decades of experience to companies and brands interested in realising exclusive, tailor-made art-related projects.

Thanks to the direct relationship we have with the most known pop artists of the moment, we offer the possibility to directly design, often together with the artist, tailor-made collections and events.

Some of the most successful collaborations have seen the likes of Mr. Brainwash, Mr. Savethewall, Marco Lodola and José Molina, along with brands such as Rum Diplomatico, Campari Soda, Bellini Nautica, Tiffany, Mondadori, Disney and many others!

Latest events and collaborations

The marriage of two worlds: art and luxury watchmaking.

Glorious Crew and Daniele Fortuna for the exclusive International Real Estate collaboration.

The partnership between Fashion and 
Contemporary Art
 with the leading artists of Deodato Arte Gallery.

The Fashion Quadrangle becomes an art gallery with the works of Daniele Fortuna.

The Masseria becomes a gallery with works by Daniele Fortuna, Marco Lodola and Romero Britto.

The Medelan displays screens with artwork by Romero Britto and Mr. Savethewall.

The partnership between Catering and Contemporary Art with works by Andy Warhol.

The exclusive combination of catering and art returns to St. Moritz.

Gran Merenda di Natale”: Marco Lodola‘s exhibition with delicacies from Milan’s Hotel Gallia.

The exclusive combination of Food and Art in St. Moritz.

The partnership between Catering and Contemporary Art with works by Mr. Brainwash.

The works of Damien Hirst, Jeff Koons and David Kracov at the Hotel Grace La Margna.

Consulting services and tailor-made projects to increasingly integrate art and fashion.

The first Hotel inspired by Street Art.

Marco Lodola collaborates with Disney for the launch of the film Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. III.

Fashion meets art in the exclusive Forte dei Marmi store.

Iseo Lake is Beautiful‘: Mr Brainwash customises a rare Riva Super Acquarama.

The exclusive DUO design stool for sale on our website.

Mr. Brainwash‘s oils on canvas in an exclusive Tiffany event.

Romero Britto customises a Riva Acquarama speedboat.

Mr. Savethewall’s Kiss Me accompanies the restoration of the Palazzo del Credito Italiano.

Limited edition postcards created especially for guests of the prestigious Mandarin Oriental hotel in Milan.

The Works of Andy Warhol at the Hotel de Rougement

Mr. Savethewall‘s famous Kiss Me wears Panerai‘s elegant creations.

José Molina redesigns the unmistakable ‘Baffo‘ of the Birra Moretti logo.

Mr. Savethewall on the artistic direction of Mondadori‘s ‘There is life in a book: yours‘.

Not only shopping but also museum-level exhibitions with Romero Britto in the streets of the Franciacorta Outlet Village.

Mr. Brainwash gives a live performance with Life is Beautiful.

Mr. Savethewall artistically reinterprets Rum Diplomatico.


John Lennon‘s memorial works for sale for Rolling Stones on our website.

Not only shopping but also museum-level exhibitions with the Japan Pop exhibition in the streets of the Franciacorta Outlet Village.

These are just a few possibilities! if you are curious or looking for a solution that suits you, contact Beatrice who will be able to give you more information: