Deodato Arte

Deodato.Gallery S.p.A. is listed on the Euronext Growth Milan market organized and managed by Borsa Italiana S.p.A.

Aspesi_Deodato Arte


Summer 2022


Starting in the summer of 2022, each year the Deodato Arte gallery will collaborate with Aspesi, generating a peculiar synergy between fashion and art in the exclusive Aspesi store in Forte dei Marmi.

Deodato Arte aims to extend the artworks of the artists in its stable beyond the traditional art market circuits and attempts to approach different audiences.

Artworks Deodato Arte x Aspesi

In 2022, the gallery set up the Aspesi store by exposing silkscreens on paper from the Rubik’s collection and unique pieces on paper by the street artist Mr. Brainwash.

In 2023, however, it was the turn of the well-known post street artist Mr.Savethewall who invaded the elegant shop with his iconic frogs!


Aspesi is a renowned shirt brand founded by Alberto Aspesi in 1969. The love for art and culture is one of the founding values of the Aspesi brand. In fact, the stores have always been characterised by refined furnishings. In spring 2022 the prestigious brand opened in Forte dei Marmi.