Deodato Arte

Deodato.Gallery S.p.A. is listed on the Euronext Growth Milan market organized and managed by Borsa Italiana S.p.A.

The first Italian franchise network of art galleries

Love Spot Galleries was founded in 2022 as a network of contemporary art galleries with the aim of making art even more accessible and widespread. The franchise formula allows it to extend across the territory to reach an even wider audience.

Not just an art gallery

With a gallery in Pietrasanta, one in Varese, and one in Padua, Love Spot Galleries aims to extend its presence in Italy and abroad.

The new formula aims to create an open and accessible network, overcoming the limits of the traditional gallery and making art even more widespread in the territory.

Pietrasanta | Varese | Padua

Love Spot - Point

Do you want to open your own Love Spot gallery?

Contact us! We are looking for new partners to extend the Love Spot world. If you are interested please send an email to [email protected] indicating in which city you would like to open your Love Spot gallery.

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