Deodato Arte

Deodato.Gallery S.p.A. is listed on the Euronext Growth Milan market organized and managed by Borsa Italiana S.p.A.

Hotel Gallia_Deodato Arte

Hotel Gallia Milano


Deodato Arte selected five light sculptures by Marco Lodola to be exhibited in the most prestigious suite of the Hotel Gallia in Milan from 6 December 2023 to 6 January 2024. To inaugurate the exhibition, a private event was held on 5 December: ‘Gran Merenda di Natale’. For the occasion, the gallery and the luxurious hotel organised a private event to ensure that the delicacies prepared by the Gallia staff and the beauty of Lodola’s sculptures met in a joyful atmosphere.

Artworks Deodato Arte X Hotel Gallia Milano

The Deodato Arte team carefully selected works with the artist’s most iconic subjects, in fact, four out of five works contain his unmistakable vespa. The fifth light sculpture, on the other hand, consists of a magnificent representation of the Duomo and symbol of the city of the two brands.

Hotel Gallia

The Excelsior Hotel Gallia is one of the most important and luxurious hotels in Milan. Since its opening in 1932, it has followed the evolution of a society by embracing change and embracing multiple cultures. The hotel is located in an elegant building in Piazza Duca d’Aosta.