Deodato Arte

Deodato.Gallery S.p.A. is listed on the Euronext Growth Milan market organized and managed by Borsa Italiana S.p.A.

Heineken Group

Jose Molina x Heineken Group: The “mustache”‘s makeover of the Birra Moretti

In collaboration with Deodato Arte, Jose Molina created the restyling of the iconic mustache of the famous Birra Moretti. The artist expertly finished the mustache through the traditional oil painting technique. The final goal of this collaboration was to make the brand more contemporary while maintaining its traditional values.

Molina’s technical skill and manual precision were a perfect match for the restyling project of the man with the mustache.


Birra Moretti is an Italian company specializing in beer’s production. Luigi Moretti company was founded in 1859 in Udine, Italy. Over the years, the emblematic label man’s mustache affixed to products has been featured in numerous advertising campaigns, becoming the unmistakable symbol of the brand. In 1996 Birra Moretti company was acquired by the Heineken Group.