Deodato Arte

Deodato.Gallery S.p.A. is listed on the Euronext Growth Milan market organized and managed by Borsa Italiana S.p.A.

Medelan_Deodato Arte

The Medelan


Following the resounding success of Mr. Savethewall’s ‘Kiss Me Cordusio’ installation, The Medelan and Deodato Arte strengthen their bond with a new collaboration.

The two main halls in the elegant building feature innovative screens on which the most iconic and recognisable artworks by Deodato Arte artists are projected: from Britto’s vibrant subjects to LaChapelle’s surreal shots and from Mr. Savethewall’s recognisable frogs to Lodola’s luminous sculptures. Deodato Arte’s artworks colour the spaces.

In the two spaces, qr-codes have been placed that link to the website in order to give all the necessary information to people interested in learning more about the production of the artists in question.

The Medelan

The Medelan represents one of the most architecturally valuable and historic buildings in Milan. The Medelan is designed to become a sought-after place for trendsetters looking to settle down in an unrivalled location and to redevelop the former Credito Italiano building. The spirit of The Medelan is defined by a constant dialogue between history and modernity: rooted in history but with a modern twist, the building embodies Italian style in its most authentic form. It consists of three connected buildings from different periods located in Piazza Cordusio.