Deodato Arte

Deodato.Gallery S.p.A. is listed on the Euronext Growth Milan market organized and managed by Borsa Italiana S.p.A.

Waterfront Costa Smeralda_Deodato Arte

Waterfront Costa Smeralda


Waterfront Costa Smeralda, one of the most glamorous structures in Porto Cervo, collaborates with Deodato Arte every summer. On the evening of Ferragosto 2019, the well-known street artist Mr. Brainwash delighted those present with a live performance. The French-born artist applied the inscription ‘Beautiful’ with the typical characters that usually characterize his famous slogan ‘Life is Beautiful’.

Waterfront Costa Smeralda

Waterfront Costa Smeralda is a temple of luxury in the glamorous heart of Porto Cervo. A charming salon designed by architect Gio Pagani for Smeralda Holding. Besides the Deodato Arte Gallery, many other brands can be found in this open-air structure during the summer months, such as: Ares Modena, Givenchy and Techno Gym.