Deodato Arte

Deodato.Gallery S.p.A. is listed on the Euronext Growth Milan market organized and managed by Borsa Italiana S.p.A.

(IN)VISIBLE: the art of Liu Bolin

(IN)VISIBLE: the art of Liu Bolin

Deodato Arte Gallery is pleased to announce Liu Bolin’s exhibition “(IN)VISIBLE: The Art of Liu Bolin“.

The exhibition will take place at Villa Ciani in Lugano, Piazza Indipendenza 4, from 30th September to 15th October 2023. During the show’s opening night, the artist will be present and will perform live. During the performance, Liu Bolin will “disappear” amidst the majestic panorama of the villa and Lake Lugano.

The exhibition will be open Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Known as The Invisible Man, Liu Bolin is popular in the art market for his performances in which he vanishes and disappears into urban landscapes or aseptic places.

Through body painting, the artist creates works of mimetic photography in which he merges with the surrounding space. Thus, he condemns the state of a modern man who loses his identity due to an increasingly materialistic and technological society.

“It is a gesture of denunciation. What is the development of the human being today and where does it lead? Man is disappearing in his environment. Technology has brought much material development, but to remain human, what is one to do? I do not want to get lost in this maze, so I choose this form of defense. I am for an art of civil commitment“.

His resulting works are a mix of photography, installation, performance, and body painting.