Deodato Arte

Deodato.Gallery S.p.A. is listed on the Euronext Growth Milan market organized and managed by Borsa Italiana S.p.A.


July 2023

Deodato Arte x Langosteria


Deodato.Gallery S.p.A. -an Innovative SME (“Deodato.Gallery” or the “Company” or the “Issuer“) operating in the contemporary art market, with main focus in the street art and pop art segment at the head of a group of companies managing several art galleries-announces the beginning of collaboration with Langosteria, a fine dining group led by Enrico Buonocore.

Langosteria is taste, sophistication and rhythm. A way of understanding catering born in Italy that constantly aims for excellence, combining tradition with a contemporary and international approach.

An experience declined in seven restaurants present in four iconic locations-Milan with four restaurants, Paris, the beautiful Paraggi Bay in Portofino, and the magnificent terrace on the slopes of Corviglia in St. Moritz-and upcoming openings planned in London in 2024 at The OWO and in Miami, inside The Raleigh Hotel, in 2026.

Deodato.Gallery, whose venues include a prestigious gallery in St. Moritz, will curate the Engadine town’s Langosteria to create a new experience of enjoying art in the context of fine dining: the works will change periodically to tell new stories.

The first two works chosen for the holiday season are The Book of Love by David Kracov and Snow Day by renowned photographer David LaChapelle, two scenic and fairy-tale masterpieces that blend perfectly with the magical and refined atmosphere of Langosteria St. Moritz.

Ancora una volta la contaminazione con realtà innovative e di spicco permette a Deodato.Gallery di espandere il proprio pubblico e portare l’arte fuori dai confini delle gallerie tradizionali.

Deodato Salafia, president and CEO of Deodato.Gallery states:

“I’ve always liked to say that we don’t sell works of art, rather we give away stories. Collectors choose to then experience them in their environments. With Langosteria, we share a passion for storytelling and the concreteness of making it an experience.”