Deodato Arte

Deodato.Gallery S.p.A. is listed on the Euronext Growth Milan market organized and managed by Borsa Italiana S.p.A.

Muraless Art Hotel_ Deodato Arte

Muraless Art Hotel Verona

Spring 2023


Spring 2023 saw the birth of Muraless Art Hotel, the first hotel inspired by Street Art with works and installations by world-renowned street artists such as Mr. Brainwash and Mr. Savethewall.

The project stems from the restoration of the former Hotel Cristallo in Castel D’azzano in Verona.

Giving guests a unique and immersive experience is the main goal of the Verona hotel; in fact, both the common areas and the rooms are covered with graffiti. The hotel rooms are frescoed by different artists, each painting their own iconic elements.

The interior design project was curated by Chiara Canali, Street Art expert and curator of Mr. Savethewall’s International Language exhibition held at Deodato Arte in 2019.

Artworks Deodato Arte: Mr Brainwash and Mr. Savethewall

The exterior walls entirely covered with murals by Mr Brainwash are the real highlight of the Muraless Art Hotel. The exteriors feature the French street artist’s best-known subjects, from Leonardo’s Mona Lisa to Einstein, and his most iconic slogans: “Life is Beautiful” and “Love is the answer”.

The room painted by Mr.Savethewall is immediately recognisable thanks to his unmistakable frogs. The aesthetics of the room also echo the ‘Wallsaved’ collection: a series in which the artist brings the city wall back to life and recreates it in the studio as a tribute to the urban essence.