Deodato Arte

Deodato.Gallery S.p.A. is listed on the Euronext Growth Milan market organized and managed by Borsa Italiana S.p.A.


November 2019

Mr. Savethewall x Mondadori – There’s life in a book: yours

Deodato Arte is pleased to announce the collaboration of Mr. Savethewall x Mondadori. Mr. Savethewall’s project “There’s Life in a Book: Yours” saw as protagonists some children, who told and shared their love for their favourite book and for reading. Mr. Savethewall, one of the leading artists of Galleria Deodato Arte, acted as creative director of the collaboration.

The collaboration with Mondadori stems from another project by the artist, Lifeshot, in which Mr. Savethewall claimed that “our life is our most important work of art”. This premise led to Mondadori’s highly successful campaign: “There is life in a book: yours“. The artist’s project was thus transformed from Lifeshot to Bookshot. In two special shooting sessions inside the Mondadori Megastore in Via Marghera in Milan, Mr. Savethewall met with numerous children, who brought their favourite book with them

“An adage I have made my own is ‘art is in the eye of the beholder’. And so in the Bookshot, as a work of art, I could see that the respondents had made the book they read their own and made the reading experience unique. The authenticity of the emotion experienced by the participants has in itself something extraordinary if we think that from the dialogue on a single object, their favourite book, the deepest and truest synthesis of their lives came out. That’s why for me the Bookshot is such an authentic, powerful and engaging project” 

– Mr. Savethewall

Mr. Savethewall and the Post Street Art

Pierpaolo Perretta, known as Mr. Savethewall, is one of the leading artists at the Deodato Arte gallery. Originally from Como, he didn’t start his activity until 2013, when he decided to quit his secure and well-paid job to devote himself exclusively to street-art.

He immediately distinguished himself as a different artist from his predecessors by declaring himself against the defacement of walls, so much so that his artistic name is Mr. Save the Wall. The artist decided not to paint his murals directly on the walls, but to use easily removable adhesive tape and recyclable, low-impact materials such as cardboard.

His desire to protect urban decorum is conveyed in his art, which he himself defines as “Post Street Art“. Mr. Savethewall wants to communicate with the public through the use of images that may seem simple at first glance, but which in the end carry a complex and profound message.

Mondadori and the pleasure of reading

Mondadori, a well-known Italian publishing group, was founded in 1907 by Arnoldo Mondadori and publishes books and newspapers in Italy and around the world. It also has an extensive chain of shops.

Mondadori’s success started from a small printing house in Ostiglia, Mantua, in the Lombardy countryside to the international company we know today. The company’s intention has always been to spread the pleasure of reading and to make Italians witnesses of the country’s evolution.