The exhibition will continue until March 11, 2023
Wunderkammern is pleased to present the exhibition of the artists Microbo and Bo130 entitled Expanded FunToMentalism at its Milan venue in Via Nerino 2.
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Numerous new and differently sized works by Microbo and Bo130 will be exhibited in our gallery. Symbols, archetypes, recurring patterns, numbers, letters, poetry, sentences and puns will dialogue with Microbo’s invisible microcosm and Bo130’s dreamlike and surreal visions, in a constant game of contrasts and opposites. That of the two artists is an art layered in perpetual reinvention, where the juxtaposition of different thoughts, techniques and materials coexist in harmonies and antagonisms, leaving the viewer free will and choice of interpretation.
“It is striking to find such a so strong feeling of unity within such an articulated and multifaced visual imaginary – writes the curator of the exhibition Giuseppe Pizzuto – in which collage merges with silkscreen, brush with spray, paper with wood, writing with street art, words with images, work with its frame. Everything is unique, everything is multiple; everything is orderly and at the same time seems to fall prey to unstoppable chaos. Everything, in conclusion, is harmonic”.
Expanded FunToMentalism is an exhibition that wants to be a tale of a journey to the boundaries of reality that takes up and deepens the work As Above, So Below presented exclusively in December 2021 in the spaces of the Wunderkammern Gallery. Thus, it is a project that began years ago and that results in this double solo exhibition described by the artists as follows: Whichever way you want to translate it, the word FunToMentalism undoubtedly leads us into the tortuous meanderings of the mind, whether it is a grammatical mistake (fundamentalism), a Freudian slip, a literal translation or a slang phrase from a musical text. We thought it was fun to present this project with puns: “having fun with mentalism”, “so much fun to go crazy”, “making fun of the mind…”.
The artworks presented originate as a visual philosophical game inspired by the Universal Laws of Hermetic Philosophy and the title of the exhibition – Expanded FunToMentalism – refers to the principle of Mentalism or the Law of Spirit, the first of the seven laws, namely “Everything is spirit, the universe is mental, in the beginning the Word”. This philosophical current, so dear to artists, is characterised by a holistic conception of the cosmos according to which the world is governed by Seven Universal Laws: The Law of Spirit, Analogy, Vibration, Polarity, Rhythm, Cause and Effect and Gender.
In each of the works in the exhibition, both those made individually and those made four-handed, you can feel all the reciprocal influence that has bound the two artists together for more than twenty years in an artistic and sentimental partnership. These are works in which reality and dream merge, artworks in which Bo130 and Microbo rewrite history through a continue remix of contemporary expressions, songs, movies and imaginary speeches of stories seen, heard, danced, lived and dreamt. Both artists have a pictorial style, in which coexist abstraction, science, graphics and illustrative representation that give rise to a personal cryptic and often irreverent language. In their works no element is privileged and, as the Hermetic tradition wants, nothing is revealed to the viewer.
Already in As Above, So Below, only a curious and attentive gaze has been able to detect details hidden, keys to access that open to new dimensions – that of sound for example – which superimposing on the visual one, reveal to the audience the more hidden spirit of the adventure mystical-philosophical that the artists wish to tell.
Curated by Giuseppe Pizzuto
Critical essay by Giuseppe Pizzuto
Wunderkammern Milan, via Nerino 2
From Monday to Saturday, 10am-2pm / 3pm-7pm
Media Partners: Artuu, Collater.al, FACE Magazine
Wine Partner: V8+ – The storyteller of Prosecco