Deodato Arte

Deodato.Gallery S.p.A. is listed on the Euronext Growth Milan market organized and managed by Borsa Italiana S.p.A.

Art for your Brand

Deodato Arte is able to develop a project with your own specific line: in fact, it makes its decades of experience available to companies and brands interested in creating exclusive, tailor-made projects related to the world of art.

Thanks to contacts with the leading artists of the moment, we offer the possibility to directly design, together with the artist, tailor-made collections and events. Some of the most successful collaborations have featured the likes of Mr. Brainwash, Mr. Savethewall and José Molina, along with brands such as Rum Diplomatico, Campari Soda, Bellini Nautica, Tiffany, Mondadori and many others.

These are just a few possibilities, if you are curious or looking for a solution that suits you contact Beatrice who will be able to give you more information: