Deodato Arte

Deodato.Gallery S.p.A. is listed on the Euronext Growth Milan market organized and managed by Borsa Italiana S.p.A.

Collaborations with gallery owners


If you are on this page, it is because you are a gallery owner and are looking for fresh stimulation for you and your clients!

Our role is not to sell you artwork but rather to help you sell artwork in your store.

People want to be driven to buy what they like; fortunately, all the works we have selected have a very strong “storytelling,” are by well-known artists, have rising prices, are unique… It will be very easy for you to reassure the client that what they like is also a good choice because they are buying a recognized and safe artist.


The first goal when you decide to buy a painting is to put a work you like in your home.

Figuring out together with the client what they like is easy if you have a portfolio of 2,000 works, many of which they may have already seen in New York, London, Miami, St. Tropez, Hong Kong or Singapore.

We have a warehouse with international names that make a difference in your city! From Andy Warhol to Takashi Murakami, from Marco Lodola’s sculptures to Keith Haring, from Mr. Brainwash to Romero Britto.

The services we offer you are many:

  • You can purchase individual artworks by artists we treat in the gallery with prices dedicated to you.
  • You may decide to set up a solo or group exhibition in your gallery that has a well-defined strand and a strong story telling; we can help you with that!
  • You can “use us” to search for works from individuals, dealers, or contacts we have acquired over time, not only of artists we treat in the gallery but also artists you can’t find on our site!

All this with the certainty of reselling safe and certified works to your clients.

For more details contact Beatrice who will be able to give you more information: